Sunday, 29 April 2007

Authoritarian Religion

Islam is to religion as Communism is to government.

That is not to say that Islam is actually a religion. It isn't. It has been referred to as Mohammedanism, which is a more accurate label. Mohammedanism infers the truth that Islam is nothing more than a cult.
A cult is defined as the "idolization of somebody or something: extreme or excessive admiration for a person, philosophy of life, or activity" (Encarta World English Dictionary 1998-2004 Microsoft Corporation). Judging by the all-too-typically violent and excessive reaction by Muslims to cartoons depicting Muhammad with a bomb in his turban, clearly the definition fits.

Muhammad is to Islam as Lenin is to Soviet Communism.

Who would have believed even twenty years ago that Lenin's idolatry would have been toppled so easily after so many years of such a brutal regime? Why would it be so hard to imagine Islam going the way of the Soviet Union?
Why does that thought bring such a rush of hope?